Download Greenpois0n For Mac

Download greenpois0n for Mac, then watch this video or follow the instructions below. Make sure you are using the latest version of iTunes (currently that is version 10.1.2) otherwise you won't be able to do a 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak. Greenpois0n Abisnthe v0.3 Released, Includes Linux Version Too. The proportion of Linux users is very less as compared to those who use either Mac OS X or Windows-based computers. But Chronic Dev Team didn’t ignore them. The new version 0.3 of Greenpois0n Absinthe now also supports Linux operating system. This new version of iOS 5 untethered.

Now, The Chronic Dev Team has released a work based on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Linux Greenpois0n but still did not release one for Mac, Mac, who have no access to Windows-based computers to run Windows greenpois0n version can use greenpois0n Linux release. Although this trick does not apply to almost anyone who wants to use the Linux version.
The trick is very simple: you can use Greenpois0n for Linux to jailbreak iPhone, iPad, or iTouch on IOS 4.1 without installing Linux!
To do this, you must download the latest ISO of Ubuntu Linux and run greenpois0n by it again, without actually installing Ubuntu

Below is a tutorial / guide on how to do this.
Using GREEENPOISON FOR Linux without installing Linux
Note : before you do anything, save SHSH bubbles with TinyUmbrella
1 Download the iso from 10.10 2 10.10 Burn iso to disk 3 restart ubuntu, go to trial rather than install 4 Wait for shoes and offers to install the proprietary drivers 5 receiving wifi driver, after you install it to wait a while and select the connection 6 go to the package manager, select the installation libqtgui will pull a few other libs, wait until its done. 7 download RC3_3 Greenpois0n for Linux 8 greenpois0n_x86 copy or greenpois0n_x64, chmod + x it if necessary 9 force iPhone, iTouch or iPad in DFU and connect it to your computer 10 greenpois0n_x86 sudo(or sudo greenpois0n_x64 depending on the version) and wait for a bit
If everything went well thanks, you should be able jailbreaked iPhone. Now you can simply close the installation wizard Ubuntu.
It was simple, right?
postscript If you have any questions about Greenpois0n, see Unofficial FAQ Greenpois0n .

Download greenpois0n for mac os

Via: Electric lifes
Description of Source:
Electric lifes provide the latest info like iphone i4,samsung galaxy tablet telus,htc aria,nokia n8,UHS compatible.
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