SSH is a very secured way to connect to your Virtual Private Server (VPS). Each time, we connect to the VPS, we provide username and password for authentication. But, we can avoid it boresome task. We can establish password-less secured connection to our VPS using SSH.
When you SSH to a server, via ssh, the SSH client will attempt to use /.ssh/idrsa The SSH client will talk to the Keychain and ask it for the passphrase. If the passphrase is already stored in the Keychain, then the key is loaded to the SSH agent without any passphrase prompts. If you need to run multiple sessions in one console, this is a great option for your. Feb 20, 2019 A free and open source terminal emulator for Mac OS, OpenSSH is also available for other platforms. It’s a leading connectivity software used to log in from a remote system with the SSH client. It encodes the entire traffic to remove any possibilities of spying, hijacking connection, and other malware attacks.
This tutorial is an attempt to show you how we can go password-less using SSH.
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How to Generate SSH Keys on Windows using PuTTY Download
In Windows environment, we generally use PuTTY to generate SSH Key. PuTTY is a free SSH and TelNet client for Windows OS.
PuTTYgen is a key generator tool for creating pairs of public and private SSH keys. It is one of the components of the open-source networking client PuTTY. Although originally written for Microsoft Windows operating system, it is now officially available for multiple operating systems including macOS, Linux. PuTTYgen.exe is the graphical tool on Windows OS. While on the other side, Linux OS has the only command-line version could be accessible using SSH commands.
Run the PuTTYgen.exe app. From the Key menu, choose “SSH-2 RSA key“. You need to press the Generate button to let the app generate necessary private and public keys.
Be sure to Save your private key!
If you’re using PuTTY, you’ll need to specify the private key when you’re logging in, as follows:
- In the PuTTY connection configuration screen, expand Connection ->SSH ->Auth
- Click the Browse button, and select your previously-created private key
- Return to the Session Category. Name and save the session for easy future access.
- Try to login to your VPS now that your SSH key has been configured.
How to Generate SSH Keys on Mac OS X & Linux
How to Generate SSH Keys on Mac OS X & Linux
- From your macOS / Linux OS, launch the Terminal app.
- Enter the following code and press enter:
- Press ENTER to store the key in the default folder /Users/Username/.ssh/id_rsa).
- Type a passphrase (Note: Characters you type in will not appear in Terminal).
- Confirm your passphrase to finish SSH Keygen.
You should get an output that looks something like this:
- Copy your public SSH Key to your clipboard using the following code:
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- Use Ctrl+V or Right-click and paste to paste your public SSH Key where it needs to go!
- Login to your VPS now that your SSH key has been configured.